All the Phils and Pothos
Ficus lyrata under planting of Philodendrons hederaceum and Epipremnum aureum.
With space running out I thought I would try under planting my Fiddle Leaf Fig with all the trailing Philodendrons and Pothos (Epipremnum) I have in my collection. A lot of them were getting a bit leggy so as I gave them haircuts I figured I might as well try to propagate them. They also all need very similar care, so I thinking they will coexist very well together.
In the mix:
Philodendrons hederaceum: 'Silver Stripe', 'Brasil', ‘Heartleaf’, ‘Lemon Lime’
Epipremnum aureum (Pothos): ‘Golden’ & ‘Pearls and Jade’
Each cutting was with one leaf and node. Philodendrons hederaceum: 'Brasil'
I cut back each piece so it was a single leaf and a node.
I skipped the step of putting them in water. I decided to pop them directly into the soil. I’m always so impressed by the resilience of plants. I made sure to keep the soil moist but not overly wet (I didn’t want my Fiddle Leaf Fig to get root rot). Within a few weeks they ALL started to take root. A few months later they’re putting out new leaves. I can’t believe all of them took!
Here’s what it looks like today. I’m really looking forward to seeing them fill in.
Philodendrons hederaceum 'Silver Stripe'
Philodendron hederaceum
Philodendron hederaceum ‘Lemon Lime’
Have you created combo pots or mixed and matched houseplants together? This is my first time doing this — I’ve always been a ‘one type of plant in a pot’ person, but I got to say that I’ve loving the way it looks and I might look into doing it more in the future!